Arcopal and Pyrex: Dinnerware popular in South Asia

Arcopal and Pyrex: Dinnerware popular among South Asians and Indian Subcontinient



We all love Food. Delicious food, that is. But we disregard sometimes presentation. There are some things that can change a dish served:

·    Food decoration

·    Plates and dinner ware used.

·    Interiors of the kitchen.

Since cooking is an art, the mood of the cook or chef is important. When it comes to Dinner Ware or Glassware,two names come to mind.

1.    Pyrex

2.    Arcopal.

  Pyrex plates were popular in the Indian Subcontinent:India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Then came Arcopal ,the plates with pictures of fruits on them. History of Pyrex Pyrex was not originally a dinner set or dinner Ware Company as one might think. Pyrex came as an answer to a problem ,invented by Jessie Litteton a young professor at University of Michigan. He was hired by Eugene Sullivan for his first formal laboratory called Corning Glass Works. Jessie helped in creating a new product' from the thermal -shock resistant  NONEX glass.Jesse took the glass he helped in developing for railroad and battery jars. His wife Bessie asked if this glass might work for baking. Jessie therefore sawed a part of battery jar and took it home. Bessie used this glass to bake a cake this experiment moved the company to produce Pyrex in 1915 for the household:oven &  refrigeration  proof.   History of Arcopal. Arcopal was first made in 1958.The company behind Arcopal was Arc International in the village of Arques,France by Alexander des Lyons de Noircarm. We normally think of Arcopal, the dinner ware having fruits picture on the plate. Actually,  there are 8 brands under Arc International :

·    Arcopal-- introduced  in 1958 and famous for its translucent  borosilicate glass.

·    Luminarc --

·    Cristal d'Arques---made in 1968.

·    Arcoroc-- made  in 1963 as a brand for tempered glass.

·    Chef&Sommelier--

·    Zenix--technical glass material launched in 2010 by Arc International.

·    Kwarx

·    Diamax

    The fruits dinner ware is known as Arcopal fruits De France is a collector's item. You cannot buy them in the local market as it could be done about 40 years ago. Many people from IBP region then in the 1980s whilst working in the Middle East or elsewhere used to buy Pyrex or Arcopal.   Now if you already have Arcopal dinner set at your home since your mother had bought it.Good keep it ! Handle with care. Buy another new dinner set from the market and keep Arcopal for rare events. Buy from:     In Bangladesh There is one company called International Home Ware who sell quality Dinner and Glassware from Europe, Turkey and Brazil.   Alternatives to Pyrex to Arcopal, There are other Dinnerware around the world. Some of the Luxury brand of Dinnerware around the world: 

Bangladesh has its own quality  Dinner ware:

Monno Ceramics.  Quality dinnerware sold in Europe.


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