How we started--Tasty Khabarz?


DeliMoja was originally started from Indica Collection.  Indica Collection was started in 2003 as a concept but those days did not have or GoFundme.

I thought of doing the project myself. But learn the hard way time is factor. Then there were no Ecommerce sites in my region. I and My senior colleague had finished completing a Ecommerce site; we developed in PHP3. At that time (2002) there were no Bangladeshi ecommerce sites.

Indica Collection was to be Ecommerce site with a difference. After so many years I have not been able to implement it. But many Ecommerce sites has been made. Idea of Indica Collection was to make online business involving some SAARC counties.  That’s why the Name INDICA. This named was given by a Greek diplomat some 2000 years ago.

The best of these countries to be presented in one platform in the form of Ecommerce. But show casing best from these areas.

Now Indica Collection has been able to implement one part: interesting stories from this region along with Turkey and Persia. The reason for these countries was that historically, they were connected.

All this with a Muslim theme.

So from Indica Collection was born:

·         Indica Food- A Face Book page for giving Restaurant Reviews, dealing with Food especially Halal.

·         Indica Recipes

·         BeeBaho -A Muslim South Asian site.  Domain is reserved.

·         ChemComm- A Chemical market place combined with other ideas.

This was in Face Book. You have to have these in a website. So Do I make separate websites? No, I combined them into DeliMoja. Deli from Delicious and Moja in Bengali means tasty or delicious.

Though in DeliMoja:

·         Recipes

·         Food

We were not making food but just talking. So Tasty Khabarz was born last year. We have made few deliveries and going to expand. Khabar in Bengali means food.

Tasty Khabarz is providing in Dhaka:

·         Cakes

·         Chicken Roll                                                                                                                          Shwarma

·         Tasty Fried Chicken

·         Malai Roll.

Some people just rely on brand names but thing is taste does matter with the price.




The post is two years old.




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